A studio filled with wonder and opportunity

Pat discovered miniatures in 1987 and wanted to build her first house in tribute to her mom and a story they both loved; "The Good Cat, Jupie". Since then, She has built 13 complete houses.

"Miniatures includes so many other things I like to do", explained Pat. "It seems to satisfy everything else I like so I haven't strayed far from that".

Along the way, she's honed her skills in designing and building from scratch, attending workshops and making valuable contacts and friends. Some of the house projects include collaborative pieces that help tell the story and make the environment come alive. Assistance from her husband, John, has been invaluable in consultation and displaying the houses in their home. Her son, Jeffrey, has provided his artistic eyes for design consultation, photography and technical skills for this web site.

It is with great sadness that Patricia Ann Balazs (nee Proctor), 79, of Ravenna, Ohio has passed over from complications of multiple myeloma on May 16, 2015. She was born July 2, 1935 in Ravenna, Ohio to Hazel and George Simpson Proctor. She grew up in Ravenna and graduated with honors from Kent State University. Patricia married John Balazs on March 17, 1956 and began raising their family. She taught Kindergarten at Rootstown Elementary School for 30 years, retiring in 1996. She had a vey active and enjoyable retirement pursuing many interests including singing in the Kent Choral Society, designing and building miniature museum-quality doll houses, cooking, joining a garden club and traveling with her husband. She is survived by her husband John, sons Stephen of Kent, Marty (Paula) of Tallmadge, Jeffrey (Julie) of Cleveland Heights, grandchildren, Erica, Lauren, Aaron and Jenna and nieces Jessamine and Julia, and sister-in-law Patricia Doyle. She was preceded in death by her parents and brother, Bruce Proctor. 

This website serves a memorial to her wonderful work that has inspired many that have come to know her personally and through their love for miniatures.

    ©2013 Pat's miniatures. All rights reserved | Photography, web site design and development by Jeffrey W. Balazs